The Cinta Senese is the mother of all the pigs of Tuscany. In the Official Gazette no. 87 of 04-13-2012, the breed is inscribed under denomination "Cinta Senese" in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications. Its origin is very ancient, so much that we can already find it in the 1338 created fresco by Ambrogio Lorenzetti called “Effects of the Good Government - The well-governed countryside” in the city hall of Siena. In the 1950s, the Cinta Senese risked extinction. It is thanks to some Tuscan breeders that reintroduced the Cinta Senese in their farms, and therefore it was possible to safeguard the breed by removing it from the list of endangered species.
Cinta Senese meat has excellent dietary qualities due to the higher concentration of unsaturated fatty acids, in particular Omega 3, which are associated with a decrease in blood fats and Omega 6, which have an anti-thrombosis effects; its lard is richer in oleic acid, the one that keeps cholesterol away, and in polyunsaturated fatty acids.